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Headquartered in Budapest – Hungary, MOL Group is the largest plastic raw material producer in central Europe and holds a leading position in this region.
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Part of the MOL Group, Slovnaft Petrochemicals are now in the final stages of launching their new 220,000 tonne/year, fully integrated, LDPE4 plant in Bratislava; this replaces their existing 3 units. This new plant will increase the company’s production flexibility, reduce costs and improve product quality. This new LDPE plant will be producing the Bralen+ range using LyondellBasell tubular reactor technology, with first production grades now becoming commercially available in the UK via Plastribution. The full range is expected to be available by end 2016.
This new distribution agreement was formed following a visit to the new plant by Plastribution representatives at the start of July this year. This well timed visit coincided with the very first production of on-spec material from the plant. Whilst availability is expected to be sporadic as the plant completes its first production cycle of the product portfolio, business is off to a promising start and looks likely to be a rewarding business partnership for both parties.
Plastribution now offer a UK stock holding of several of the Bralen+ grades, including FB2-16 (LDPE MFI 2), MB19-37 (LDPE MFI 19), and MB36-36 (LDPE MFI 36), which can be ordered on a next day delivery service to its UK customer base.[/vc_column_text][mk_padding_divider size=”40″][mk_icon_box title=”Download the MOL Product List” text_size=”16″ font_weight=”inherit” read_more_url=”https://www.plastribution.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/MOL_products.pdf” icon=”moon-file-pdf” style=”simple_minimal” icon_size=”small” rounded_circle=”false” icon_location=”left” circled=”false” icon_color=”#000000″ icon_circle_color=”https://www.plastribution.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/pl-favicon.png” box_blur=”false” margin=”30″]
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