In addition to our monthly Price know-how publication, which is now uploaded to our online library, the Hub (, we also provide an assessment of what has happened over the past year and what may happen in the year ahead, particularly in terms of trends and the outlook for UK polymer prices. This assessment is called ‘Outlook & Review’ – a report that is published at the beginning of each year.
This valued insight, previously presented to our readers via the Price know-how section of our website, is now uploaded to our Hub at For those readers unfamiliar with the ‘Hub’, here is a recent article which provides some background on our content library > As an online resource, the Hub is an ideal new home for the Outlook & Review, allowing subscribers to not only consume the market information they are after, but to also benefit from the many technical articles available.
In addition to being uploaded to the Hub, Outlook & Review forms a key part of BP&R’s journal for Jan/Feb and is also covered by PlastikCity Media. Given the wide ranging scope of the content and broad appeal, we felt it important to take advantage of the widespread industry circulation opportunities available.
As with any forecast and evaluation, accuracy is important to ensure that the content provided has perceived ‘value’. In a comparison between our forecast for 2017 and what actually happened last year, it is interesting to note how accurate this outlook was in respect to what actually happened during the year. This ‘accuracy’ has been a recurring theme over the years, much due to the diligence, significant industry experience and insightful authoring of Plastribution’s managing director, Mike Boswell.
As a caveat to the above, we clearly state in publishing the Outlook & Review content, the information provided is based upon data available from both external and internal sources, and whilst care is exercised in producing this report, we can give no guarantee of accuracy. Having said that we are confident that both Outlook and Review and our monthly Price know-how, can help our readership evaluate the market comprehensively from every angle and, as a result, be able to make confident and informed business decisions.
If you have any comments regarding our annual Outlook & Review, Price know-how, or any other content published by Plastribution, please contact us on 01530 560560.